February 22, 2025

What Happens When Your Dog Sleeps In Your Bed?- Know 7 Benefits.

dog sleeps with its owner
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Different individuals have different sleep patterns, and many of us often suffer from disturbed sleeping patterns for many reasons. Many people have noticed that their dog sleeps in their beds and sleeps until their owners are asleep. Is it good? Are there risks associated with our health?- the answer is no. Even though many believe that there are certain risks if we let our dog sleep with us. Research has shown almost 70% of dog owners allow their pets to sleep with them in their beds.

Dog sleeps peacefully with its owner
The dog sleeps peacefully with its owner.

Studies have exhibited positive outcomes despite many debates on this topic. Almost all pet parents have agreed that sleeping with their dogs has positively impacted their mental and physical health. The warmth, heartbeat and presence enhance the sense of security in dog owners. It also delivers a positive vibe which helps in elevating our mental health.

 The owner having sound sleep with their pets
The owner has a sound sleep with their pets.

It influences the health of humans and hoists the health condition of dogs simultaneously. If you are concerned about the risks or negative impacts of your dog sleeping in your bed, rest assured regarding its benefits. Let us understand the seven most essential benefits of having your pooch sleep with you.

Also, check out the article: “Dogs With Hypothyroidism- How To Deal With 7 Home Diet.

Seven benefits you receive while the dog sleeps in your bed

There is a common idea that sleeping with a dog could significantly disturb one’s sleep at night. To scientifically condemn this belief following benefits are evident.

Reduces depression or anxiety

sleeping with dogs helps in reducing depression

It is a vet-approved fact that spending time with dogs could immensely influence an individual’s mental status. Many war veterans are assigned with service dogs to help them with their PTSD, a common form of anxiety and depression. Imagine what sleeping with them can do to our health if spending time with the dog can do so much of this. Studies show that we release Oxytocin when we let our dogs sleep in our beds. It is the love chemical in our body that relax our muscles too. It eventually provides an excellent opportunity for a sound sleep with a relaxed mind. Hence, sleeping with your pet in your bed can help you with anxiety and depression.

Also, go through the article “Harassment of Dog Owners in Rented Apartments-How to Deal With It.”

Stimulates theta brainware

Dogs help stimulate theta brainware

As stated above, sleeping with your pets can significantly increase the flow of Oxytocin, which eventually influences our brain cells. Similarly, the combination of the chemical and the profound impact of the hormone can create theta brain waves which appear at a particular stage of our sleep cycle. Studies have manifested that the presence of our pets during nighttime or while we are sleeping has a profound impact on syncing heartbeats. Eventually,  feeling our dog’s coat and warmth while asleep can work like a magic potion to relax our brain cells.

Improved sense of security

benefits of sleeping with dogs

As humans, we are vulnerable to our environment and circumstances, which often appear volatile. Letting your dog sleep in your bed can increase comfort and security. Your dog’s presence at that moment could enhance the feeling of reliability. Specifically,  in the case of women,  studies have shown that having a pet in their beds has improved the quality of sleep as they feel secure while letting their guard down.

Mitigates Insomnia

Women sleeping peacefully with a dog
Women sleeping peacefully with a dog

One of the worst things that a person can suffer from is insomnia. It is complicated for a person who cannot sleep at night due to depression and anxiety-induced insomnia. One of the most excellent solutions is to let the dogs sleep with them at night. Scientific studies have proven that feeling a dog by touch or presence can significantly reduce stress. It eventually helps to reduce hyperarousal (the initial stage of PTSD) and hypervigilance (being frantic) by easing the slowly growing anxiety within ourselves. Similarly, sleeping with dogs can finally relax the nerves in our brains which causes dizziness or slumber, leading to mitigating insomnia.

Refines sleep quality

Having quality sleep with pet
Having a quality sleep with a pet

The current life cycle of humans has become so complex that it directly impacts our sleep cycle. When we let our pets sleep in our beds, it eventually delivers a sense of importance, belongingness and comfort to our brains and mind. Nonetheless, when our brain and body relax, anxiety and overthinking wear off. This process significantly helps us get a night of quality sleep and contribute to our rejuvenated energy and health.

Eliminates loneliness

Despite our busy schedules, work and social engagements, sometimes we feel lonely at the end. We all need a companion that will be by our sides, and dogs are the definite answer to this. If your dog sleeps with you at night, it helps relieve stress from your body which gets hyped by the sense of loneliness. Sleeping next to your dog or feeling their fur in your hand could help eliminate loneliness and have a relaxed sleep at night.

Improves mutual bonding

Not only the physical health but sleeping with your dog will definitely improve the mutual bonding between you. Scientific studies have proved that dogs often like to be inseparable from us. Walking and being together is great for the whole day, but sleeping at night in the same bed gives your dog a sense of belongingness. This would precisely influence the mutual bondings and obedience at the same time.

Your dog sleeps in your bed – how it will benefit them?

We have talked about the benefits we get when our dog sleeps in our bed. But do we know, it also delivers benefits to our pooches simultaneously. Our pets, too, get help while sleeping with us.

  • Sleeping comfortably could help in elevating their mood and mental health.
  • It enhances your dog’s life span by creating dopamine at a higher level.
  • Their sense of motherhood kicks in for you, especially for female dogs.
  • They get a sense of satisfaction being your protector at night, which helps reduce separation anxiety in them.
  • Moreover, pets too can have psychological comfort by sneaking into your bed.
How to maintain safety while sleeping with your pet?

While we understand the benefits of our pets sleeping in our beds, we need to set some ground rules for both of us.

  • Setting clear boundaries about their place on the side of the bed is very important. You need to make sure you convey the message clearly to your pooch.
  • Ensuring the boundaries can have you act like your pup to some extent. Being dominant about the place you want for a sound sleep should be the first step.
  • Always allow them the place of the bed opposite your head. This would enable your pet to have more space and comfort for you.
  • Keep your sheets clean and change them regularly to maintain hygiene for you and your pet. This would allow you to have a peaceful sleep while not inhaling the dog hair in your sleep.
Closing the discussion

When we talk about co-sleeping practices, it is a complicated and almost impossible idea for many. Despite our differences, we can happily and comfortably sleep beside our pups. When your dog sleeps with you, it will naturally help release the good hormones. Eventually, it will benefit us with our health and a mental bonding with our pet will get firm.

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